
Conference group photo

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The 2019 MaNGA collaboration meeting took place at the University of Oxford from Monday 1st - Thursday 4th April 2019

The meeting will be devoted to the presentation of scientific results obtained with MaNGA data by collaboration members, along with some invited review talks to helps us understand how these results fit in the general picture of galaxy evolution. We will schedule time for general discussions, hacking and also set aside time so that groups can catch up with the status of certain projects. The conference dinner will take place on Wednesday 3rd April 2019. 

The schedule for the meeting has now been published.

Any enquiries should be sent to: manga2019@physics.ox.ac.uk


Scientific Organising Committee:

  • Alfonso Aragon-Salamanca
  • Matt Bershady
  • Kevin Bundy
  • Michele Cappellari (co-chair)
  • Yanmei Chen
  • Cheng Li
  • Lihwai Lin
  • Claudia Maraston
  • Karen Masters
  • Kate Rubin
  • Sebastian Sanchez
  • Becky Smethurst (co-chair)
  • Christy Tremonti
  • Zheng Zheng
  • Anne-Marie Weijmans
  • Kyle Westfall

Local Organising Committee:

  • Michele Cappellari (co-chair)
  • Mark Graham
  • Yiqing Liu
  • Lara Maisey
  • Leanne O'Donnell
  • Becky Smethurst (co-chair)
  • Mike Walmsley